Last update:
13 December 2019 at 15:45 hours.

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The Insurance Supervision Agency organized a one-day conference titled “Recent developments and challenges of the global insurance industry and how this affects the local insurance industry in Macedonia”, on September 11, 2015.

The conference aimed to acquaint the public with relevant domestic global trends and challenges in the insurance industry.

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The conference was attended by prominent guest lecturers, representatives of regulatory bodies, the local insurance industry, the academic community and representatives of public institutions of the country.

Mr Klime Poposki, the president of the Council of experts of the Insurance Supervision Agency delivered a speech at the opening of the conference.



 The main topics of the conference



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  • Required Documents
  • Tariffs
  • ISA Mission
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Ask ISA
  • The insurance acts
  • Register of insurance undertakings